By Packaging Resources
Dec 18

The Key to Effective Packaging, Part 2

In part 1 of Splash Packaging’s series on effective packaging, we discussed how to get consumers’ attention. In part 2, we will examine your package’s written copy and how it contributes to convincing the sale.

First, don’t put too much information on the principal display panel. Consumers rarely read every word, especially on food packaging: they want their information quick and direct. Put the most important details front and center to help them decide. Make information easy to follow by putting in this order:


A product’s name contributes to its success, so choose one that’s memorable but not too clever. Playing it safe and taking risks both have pros and cons: know your target audience and create a name for them.


These are basic product details, such as flavor. Color and descriptors work together:  for example, if your descriptor is lemon your color is yellow. This creates visual cues and takes the guesswork out for customers, who don’t need to read the words to know what they are getting.


These are specific details such as sugar-free or organic that customers may be seeking out on food packaging. Know your target audience, determine what they want to know, and tell them.


Resist the urge to put this first. Shoppers probably aren’t looking for your product, but for the right product– which is why the title is displayed most prominently. The package’s overall look, in addition to the logo, effectively conveys your branding.

Romance Copy

A few words that elaborate your product’s advantages, differences, and uses is all you need to sway customers. If there’s no room on the front, use secondary or back panels– just make sure it’s not competing with other information for attention.

Creating successful packaging is challenging. All the elements must work together to inform the consumer, build their trust, and establish loyalty.

This concludes Splash Packaging’s series on effective packaging. To discuss our wholesale packaging options, including food packaging, rope handle shopping bags, and more, Contact Us or call Splash Packaging at 877-699-0529.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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