By Packaging Resources
Dec 20

Cutting Down on Packaging Waste at the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful- and wasteful- time of year. An astonishing one fifth of the country’s annual garbage load is produced during the holidays, making it especially important to reduce waste wherever possible. The abundance of gift boxes, gift wrap, tissue paper, ribbons, and bags that surround us over the holidays make this difficult– but not impossible.

For packaging suppliers, the holidays provide an opportunity to find creative solutions to the packaging waste problem. It’s tempting to just focus on the fiscal goldmine taking place, but by acting responsibly and striving for sustainability; the packaging becomes more appealing to consumers and contributes to a cycle of using less over future holidays. Instead of business as usual, consider these innovate alternatives:

  • ready-to-use boxes that require no extra gift wrap, ribbons, or embellishing
  • bags or gift boxes that can be reused or repurposed immediately– pictures for kids to cut out and turn into decorations, or Christmas packaging that can be used as a favor on New Year’s Eve
  • bakery boxes and other food packaging that double as gift boxes, and vice versa
  • reusing leftover trim and discarded materials from holiday packaging production for future items– after every holiday season, examine what has been sold, how much has been used, and what can be done to cut down on waste next year

An everyday commitment to environmentally-friendly activities is also helpful: carrying recyclable and/or biodegradable packaging products appeals to eco-minded consumers year-round, and should be touted during the holidays to encourage buyers to minimize the overwhelming amount of waste that is produced.

By thinking creatively, packaging companies can help foster a cycle of responsibility with their consumers that carry over into future holiday seasons. For holiday packaging that is merry, bright, and thoughtful, contact Splash Packaging. All of our gift boxes, shopping bags, boxes and more are made from recycled materials and are fully recyclable and biodegradable. Call 877-699-0529 or Contact Us to view our entire collection of smart holiday gift wraps and packaging.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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