By Packaging Resources
Nov 27

Why Package Your Products?

Consumers have a love-hate relationship with packaging: they love the look, but hate the waste. The fact remains, however, that wrapping or packaging products is essential for many practical (and some surprising) reasons. With modern innovations that make it more sustainable, you can proudly benefit from packaging’s many perks:

Protection – Certain packaging can help prevent damage, breakage, and leakage, keeping the product in-tact from Point A to Point B.

Bundling – Bundle wrapping provides minimal packaging for loose products and maintains product appearance, integrity, and quantity.

Marketing – Packaging is the first impression customers get of your product. From providing information to conveying brand image, packaging is a critical platform for engaging customers and convincing the sale.

Theft Prevention – Specific packaging can help guard against theft. You may choose to over-packaged so they don’t get stolen. It’s a well-known but little-discussed fact that many employees and customers walk out the door without paying for products– a large or awkward package makes this less likely.

The balance in modern packaging products comes in many environmentally-friendly forms, such as recycled or recyclable materials, natural resources, and known suppliers. Splash Packaging’s exclusive Kraft paper shopping bags come in 45% and 100% recycled paper options and help you make a smart and stylish packaging choice. To discuss our selection of high-quality, creative, eye-catching packaging products, call Splash Packaging at 877-699-0529 or Contact Us.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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