By Packaging Resources
Dec 27

Trends in Packaging for 2014

Packaging trends continue to exhibit remarkable innovations that keep customers engaged, excited, and optimistic. From forward-thinking elevations in sustainability to ground-breaking partnerships, packaging in 2014 is as playful as it is promising.

Plant-Based Packaging

Bioresins and plant-based materials will evolve this year to be more than just a plastic alternative. Veuve Clicquot, for example, is introducing a potato starch and paper container that is not only biodegradable, but also acts as an insulating sleeve that keeps the Champagne cold for hours. Other innovative, zero-waste packaging options are also in the works, such as rice paper wrappers that are 100 per cent edible, and biological shopping bags that dissolve and wash away in water.

Double Agents

In Europe, a few innovative companies are finding unconventional, eco-conscious second uses for their packaging. One lightbulb manufacturer uses containers that double as a lampshade, while another famous cookie company has created boxes that fold out into a child’s toy.

Clean, Pure, Simple

Today’s discerning consumers want to know everything about their desired product, especially food. In response, food companies are turning out packaging that is spare, fresh, and communicative, displaying artfully photographed food on clean backgrounds. Think bright white, crisp fonts, natural imagery, and bright accents.

Famous Figures

The trend in avant-garde celebrity co-branding shows no sign of stopping. Recent notable partnerships include makeup companies with paint manufacturers, budget-friendly clothing companies with couture designers, and just about everyone with Andy Warhol (Perrier, Campbell’s, Veuve Clicquot).

Packaging in 2014 is all about elevating the customer experience and creating strong, honest, intelligent connections. At Splash Packaging, our selection of in-stock wholesale packaging products, such as gift boxes and paper shopping bags, provide a solid foundation for your packaging and merchandising needs. Our clever designs and natural materials make us a leader in the packaging industry, providing customers with exciting and cost-efficient products year after year.  To discuss our smart selection of paper shopping bags, gift wrap, ribbon, apparel boxes, and more, call Splash Packaging at  877-699-0529 or Contact Us.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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