By Restaurant supplies
Dec 06

Tips for Selecting the Best Menu Covers

For restaurant and hotel owners, selecting menu covers is one of the most important decisions to be made. It gives customers a vivid impression of the quality and care that goes into your establishment and its food. Before you decide on your covers’ material and design, consider these tips from Splash Packaging.

  • Know Yourself – Choose a cover that reflects your restaurant’s core values; menu covers are an extension of your restaurant and, as such, must accurately convey your branding concepts.
  • Know Your Clients – Your customers play a big role in your menu covers’ materials and designs: if customers are older and more conservative, choose elegant leather or linen; if you serve a lot of kids, opt for easy-to-clean vinyl.
  • Know Your Food – Similar to above: if you serve casual food such as burgers, a fancy cork menu cover will look out of place– choose covers that complement the food being described within them.
  • Damage – Menus are subject to a lot of wear and tear, but the right cover can help minimize it. While leather may seem like an extravagant choice, it is actually very durable and helps reduce costs over time. Another option is doing just the menu corners in leather. Plastic and paper require more upkeep, but may be suitable for cafes or restaurants where the menu is not in the customer’s possession for long periods of time.
  • Customizing – Embossing covers with the hotel or restaurant logo is popular, but many owners prefer to cut costs by printing their own menus and sliding them in a clear vinyl menu cover.

In addition to clear vinyl covers, Splash Packaging also carries a broad selection of food packaging, such as take out boxes and restaurant bags that can help you create a strong brand identity for your restaurant. To speak with a professional about wholesale packaging items for restaurants, call 877-699-0529 or Contact Us.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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