By Packaging Resources
Jul 16

Sustainable Packaging on a Budget

Creative packaging is a great way for small business owners to make a big impression, but at what expense? Customers are caring more and more about earth-friendly products and practices; therefore, whether you’re a manufacturer or a retailer, making your business more “green” is critical. Fifty-two percent of consumers are likely to make repeat purchases from an online retailer that delivers orders in premium packaging.

Making environmentally healthy decisions can be tricky, such as, what standards to use when creating a new package, how to revamp your current products, or choosing which items go on your shelves. Most importantly, how much will recyclable bags or environmentally friendly paper bags cost your company?

Custom sized and printed boxes is often the right choice; however, if your volume does not reduce the cost of printed boxes, printed paper tape is a great alternative to accomplish a fresh brand while keeping cost low. Tape can be printed at a much lower cost and in smaller volumes.

Consider putting a bit more time and energy into creating the type of recyclable bags or packages that keep you forefront in your customers’ minds. Whether you sell both on and off-line, the finishing touches can be what gets your business noticed and encourages your customers to return. Remember, it’s not the size of the package that matters, it’s the creative things you do with it.

Keep in mind:

  • More compact packaging will result in a reduced material cost.
  • Extend the savings with less labor by simplifying the packaging process with fewer pieces.
  • Reduce the amount of required warehouse space.
  • Redesign pallet configurations and ship more products per pallet.
  • Lighter packaging is cheaper and more efficient to transport, and requires less energy to manufacture.

Overall, a change in packaging creates a ripple effect throughout the supply chain producing efficiency gains, cost-savings and reduced energy consumption. In addition to operational cost savings, companies report reduction in their environmental footprints, improved brand image and company reputation, greater market share, access to new markets, reduction in legal compliance costs and increasing global competitiveness as other benefits of adopting sustainability packaging. Seek the expert guidance of Splash Packaging recyclable bag experts to provide you with a variety of packaging options, where each option is geared towards meeting your specific requirements and budget size.

Sustainable packaging is becoming a fact of life for companies that seek to remain competitive. Those businesses that take the lead now will be ahead of the curve and enjoy the benefits in the future. If you are looking for environmentally friendly paper bags, recyclable bags or wholesale paper bags, allow Splash Packaging to be your company’s in-stock packaging products supplier. Budget friendly kraft paper bags or wholesale paper bags are eye-catching and memorable. Contact the recyclable bags specialists at 877-699-0529 or contact us online. Our wholesale paper bags will help your company shine.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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