The Latest Trends in Packaging

The Splash Packaging Blog

As a close-knit team of packaging designers with decades in the industry, we know that sustainability and cost-effectiveness are paramount for any brand. And that's why we started Splash: to give brands good-looking stock packaging that isn't hard to match to your style, unfairly priced, or bad for the environment.

Follow along on our blog and we'll match that unparalleled dedication to sourcing awesome bags, boxes, and packing materials for you with marketing insights, packaging tips and tricks, and more.

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Why Package Your Products?

By Splash Packaging Team Nov 27, 2013 Packaging Resources

Consumers have a love-hate relationship with packaging: they love the look, but hate the waste. The fact remains, however, that wrapping or packaging products is essential for many practical (and some surprising) reasons. With modern innovations that make it more sustainable, you can proudly benefit from packaging’s many perks: Protection – Certain packaging can help…

Gift Card Packaging

By Splash Packaging Team Nov 20, 2013 Gift Card Packaging

Gift cards have become the go-to present of choice for today’s busy buyers. While many gift cards are already adorned with snappy text and festive imagery, the issue of how to beautifully present them remains problematic. Offering your customers a simple solution by providing unique and attractive gift card packaging provides additional incentive to purchase…

Get Creative with Organza

By Splash Packaging Team Nov 06, 2013 Uncategorized

Organza bags are a smart and simple way to add beauty and interest to a wide variety of products displayed in your retail store. They can be used in so many different ways, even in places where you might normally use tissue paper or gift wrap. From the packaging products experts at Splash Packaging, here…

5 Things to do on Memorial Day to Remember the Troops

By Splash Packaging Team May 23, 2013 Uncategorized

While many associate Memorial Day with a day off of work, grilling out, and possibly heading to the beach, it is important to remember the true occasion of the day, remembering those lost while serving our country. We at Splash Packaging take pride in supporting our troops, and because of this we have created a…

good things come in

good packages

We believe that great packaging should be just as affordable and eco-friendly as it is beautiful. We're proud to support a whole family of brands who seem to agree.

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