By Packaging Resources
Jun 18

Tips for Tying the Perfect Bow

Bows add festive or romantic details to any gift and some would say a pretty bow on the top of a gift is almost as important as what’s inside!

The ability to tie a basic flat bow is definitely a skill that everyone should have in their toolbox. Splash Packaging specialists will give you the steps to tying a perfect bow and how to incorporate that knowledge into styling your own packaging no matter what the occasion.

Bunny Ear Style

  • Step 1: At the center of your ribbon, form two evenly sized loops in each hand, creating a bunny ear shape.
  • Step 2: Take the right loop and cross it over the left one.
  • Step 3: Fold the right loop behind the left and thread it back through the center.
  • Step 4: Feed the right loop through the center and pull both loops tight into a knot.
  • Step 5: Adjust the length of each loop and cut off the ends at an angle or a v-shape for a more finished look.

Now that you know how to tie a perfect basic bow, let’s incorporate a few trendy and fun bow styles.

The Bow-Tie Bow

This style is excellent for dressing up masculine gifts. Select two colors and two different widths for this bow. While flattening the wider ribbon, wrap and tie a small bow around the wider ribbon. Pull tight and tape your bow to your package.

The Elegant Bow

This is a slight variation of the bow-tie example above; however, only one ribbon size is used. Trimming the tails of the bow parallel to the edge of the box seems to look best with this style.

The Classic Parallel Bow

Just like tying shoe laces, this bow style can be difficult to lay straight or parallel to the ribbon.

To make a parallel bow, place the box on top of the ribbon and fold the left end over the right. Tuck the ribbons under each side and pull the loops tight.

The Tiffany-Style Bow

This is a classic bow that wraps around all four sides of a box and unties with one pull. Vary the look with wide or thin ribbon, and any color or texture to fit the occasion.

With these basic tips you’ll have the tools to put the finishing touches on any of your projects. Bows add creative and unique finishing touches to almost any homemade project.

Colorful bows adorned perfectly to any gift will make your plastic gift bags pop or gift card packaging come to life. If you are looking for ways to tie bows to your plastic gift bags, allow Splash Packaging to be your company’s in-stock packaging products supplier. We take pride in our ready-to-ship inventory from plastic gift bags to wholesale gift bags. Our second generation of family ownership is recognized for our excelling service, ethics and performance along with a solid financial foundation. If you are in need of eye-catching, environmentally friendly plastic gift bags or unique gift card packaging, contact the packaging specialists at 877-699-0529 or contact us online. Our wholesale gift bags will shine with your added touch.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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