By Packaging Resources
May 07

Product Spotlight: Clear Menu Covers

Restaurant menu covers are used almost everywhere that you go, whether it is a mom and pop restaurant, a café, or a fast food joint; everyone wants there things to look nice and to last.

Aside from your curb appeal and front entrance, a restaurant’s menu is one of the top factors in determining whether or not your customers will return.  If it’s too confusing or falling apart, you’ll have frustrated customers. However, using quality materials to create an attractive menu presentation that is clean, organized and informative will convey a good business image.

You can make your restaurant or business stand out with the many styles, sizes, colors and designs to choose from. Your customers will notice the image that your restaurant is trying to portray just by the style of covers you choose for your menus. Here are some of the many benefits that come with plastic menu covers.


Plastic menu covers are inexpensive when compared to other types of menu covers. Also, buying plastic covers for your menus means you won’t need to spend money printing replacement menu covers each time your restaurant updates the menu, adds new dishes or changes prices.

Easy to Clean

Whether there are stains from sticky fingers or messy spills, clear menu covers are easy to clean. The cover’s surface can easily be wiped with a wet towel.

Availability & Quick Shipment

Some custom menu covers can take weeks to be customized and shipped; however, most of these plastic menu covers are in stock and ready for immediate shipment.

Protects from Germs

When you go to any public place, you risk becoming ill from the germs that are everywhere, including the menus that we touch at restaurants. Businesses can protect the public by purchasing restaurant menu covers to protect the paper menu itself from germs that can lurk on menus.

Plastic menu covers have come a long way since the standard leather binding look and the options are nearly endless.

If you are looking for restaurant food packaging or plastic menu covers that are durable and won’t yellow, crack, shrink, or warp, Splash Packaging offers traditional and fun, in-stock packaging products at extremely competitive prices. Allow Splash Packaging to be your in-stock packaging products supplier of bulk shopping bags, plastic menu covers, restaurant food packaging, plastic merchandise bags and more! Splash Packaging is a web based, industry leading supplier of thousands of quick ship, in-stock packaging items, including plastic menu covers. If you’re interested in restaurant food packaging, call us at 877-699-0529 or contact us online.

See how Splash Packaging can elevate your brand with exceptional quality & style.

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